The Cosmic Christ
Godwin Lekundayo
2013 | 255pp | ISBN: 9781908355287
Towards Effective Mission Among the Maasa
Reception of Christ as Saviour has been poor to the Maasai people, especially in Tanzania. Missiological approaches have not proved to be practical to them. That is why the book’s author proposes an Appropriational Model as an effective missiological model of conducting mission among the Maasai. Christianity has to reach Maasai where they are, in their culture and environment.
When a Maasai Christian writes about Christian mission among the Maasai himself, one should expect surprises. One of the surprising, but significant, insights was that the common models of mission do not focus on the Christians-to-be as the agents of mission. By developing the “appropriational model” and applying it to Christian mission by the Maasai, Dr. Lekundayo grants us a glimpse into how mission functions when we allow it to be conducted in a most natural manner. All those who are interested in how the gospel spreads would do well to listen carefully to this case study.
Stefan Höschele, Ph.D., Lecturer of Mission Studies and Systematic Theology, Friedensau Adventist University, Germany