Beyond Integral Mission
Daniel Clark (ed)
Fresh Voices from Latin America
2022 | 198pp | ISBN: 978-1-914454-62-2
In the 1970s, Latin American theologians were instrumental in developing the concept of integral mission. This volume explores how contemporary Latin American theologians are building on the legacy of integral mission, and the controversies it raised, to reflect on a wide range of issues such as the economy, culture, the environment, discrimination, and transcultural missions. Drawing on authors from across the continent, this volume offers a valuable insight into the diversity and richness of current Latin American missiological reflection.
Current issues look different to each generation. In this book the authors look for understanding of their faith in their local circumstances. It cannot get better than that. These are challenging times demanding deeper reflection and stronger commitment with the Lord. These traits are clearly found here. I got excited to see that Latin American theology production is growing.
J Daniel Salinas PhD, Associate Director, Theological Education Initiative, United World Mission; Professor with the Biblical Seminary o Colombia and Asian Theological Seminary, Philippines
God is a God who speaks and never leaves his people without a voice! This book is about voice: voices crying in Latin America and for the Latinos, people for economic justice, inclusiveness, integral shalom, ecological redemption, food safety, social and race equality, decent work, education for all, land redistribution, and liberation from violence. The authors of this book raise their voices to “prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight” (Mark 1:3) among the Latinos, in the certainty and confidence that “the voice of the LORD is powerful; the voice of the LORD is full of majesty” (Ps 29:5). This book is an invitation to humbly and brokenly “hear what the Spirit says to the churches!”
Dr Jorge Henrique Barro, Vice-General Director, Faculdade Teológica Sul Americana, Brasil